The Office of the Supreme Leader

Jurisprudence & Religious affairs

Deducting Khums­-Exempt Wealth from Surplus Income
Deducting Khums­-Exempt Wealth from Surplus Income
If we spend some money or property whose khums we have already paid or that is given to us as a gift, and is therefore exempt from khums, toward our necessary expenses, are we allowed to deduct the amount of such khums-exempt money or property from our surplus income at the end of our religious fiscal year when calculating the amount of khums we must pay?
Engaging in Supererogatory Fasting as Part of Ritual Retreat while under Obligation to Observe Compensational Fasting
Engaging in Supererogatory Fasting as Part of Ritual Retreat while under Obligation to Observe Compensational Fasting
Given that supererogatory fasting is invalid if one is under the obligation to observe compensational fasting (ṣawm al-qaḍāʼ), would it be correct if a person who intends to embark on the ritual retreat of iʻtikāf * starts the first day of the ritual retreat observing supererogatory fasting, due to not knowing the aforementioned precept regarding supererogatory fasting, but then, after being informed of the aforementioned precept, corrects his intention and changes it to compensational fasting prior to noontime? Would his ritual retreat be valid?
Consecrating a Moving Structure as a Mosque
Consecrating a Moving Structure as a Mosque
Is it valid to consecrate a moving structure as a mosque, whether it be a structure such as a trailer or a mobile home, which is moved at most once every few months, or an area such as a compartment in a railroad passenger car or an airplane, which is regularly on the move?
Repaying Borrowed Gold
Repaying Borrowed Gold
I borrowed a few pieces of gold several years ago from someone, and their value back then was, say, $200. Now, in virtue of inflation they are worth, say, $300. Do I owe the price they were worth when I borrowed them or their current price?